Designed on the same principle as Main Street U.S.A the Hollywood Boulevard serves as the park’s main entrance lined with 1930s and ‘40s inspired venues selling Disney merchandise and food. And like the Celebration Parade that winds its way down the Magic Kingdom’s main street, Disney Hollywood Studios has the Pixar Block Party Bash that makes it way daily down the Boulevard and the adjoining Echo Lake area. This is also a great area to take in other live entertainment provided by fun cover bands like the Mulch, Sweat, and Shears. At the far end of the boulevard stands the Sorcerer’s Hat, installed in 2001 to replace the Earful Tower as the park’s icon. Behind that can be found the replica of Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, home to the Great Movie Ride, which pays homage to classic films like the Wizard of Oz and Casablanca, and was the original inspiration for the park.
The Disney Hollywood Studios dedication by the CEO at the time Michael Eisner, the park’s biggest proponent, can be found past the main strip of stores by the director statue not far from the S.S. Down the Hatch quick service:
“The World you have entered was created by The Walt Disney Company and is dedicated to Hollywood—not a place on a map, but a state of mind that exists wherever people dream and wonder and imagine, a place where illusion and reality are fused by technological magic. We welcome you to a Hollywood that never was—and always will be.”
—May 1, 1989